IPSC Shotgun, also known as Shotgun Division, is a type of shooting competition that involves the use of shotguns. IPSC stands for International Practical Shooting Confederation, which is the governing body for this type of shooting sport.
In IPSC Shotgun competitions, shooters are presented with a variety of stages, each of which consists of a different shooting scenario. These scenarios typically involve targets that are placed at different distances and angles, and shooters are required to move through the course of fire, engaging the targets as quickly and accurately as possible.
The types of shotguns used in IPSC Shotgun competitions are typically semi-automatic or pump-action shotguns, and the ammunition used is typically birdshot. There are several different divisions within IPSC Shotgun, each with its own set of rules and equipment requirements.
IPSC Shotgun competitions require a high degree of skill, speed, and accuracy, and are popular among shooting enthusiasts around the world.