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More New IPSC Shooters in Saskatchewan

We are excited to announce that IPSC Saskatchewan has eight new, shooters into our community! After completing the rigorous 2-Day Black Badge Course in Regina, these individuals demonstrated outstanding skill and discipline, passing with flying colors. IPSC promotes a dynamic and challenging competitive environment where shooters must combine speed, accuracy, and power. The Black Badge … Read more

Wesley Stevens: A Top 4 National Rank and World Shoot Bound

We are thrilled to share some fantastic news with the IPSC Saskatchewan community! Our very own Wesley Stevens, also known as Wes John, has achieved an incredible milestone by securing a Top 4 ranking in both the PCC (Pistol Caliber Carbine) and Classic Divisions at the national level. This remarkable achievement not only solidifies Wes … Read more

Recap of IPSC Saskatchewan’s August Match

IPSC Saskatchewan’s August match is officially in the books, and what a fantastic event it was! We want to extend our thanks to everyone who participated and contributed to making this match a success. A Special Thanks to Match Director Mike Dufour A big shoutout goes to our Match Director (MD), Mike Dufour, for his … Read more

IPSC SK PROV 2024 is in the books!

IPSC Saskatchewan extends its gratitude to all the sponsors and competitors who traveled from afar to participate in our Provincial Championship. We deeply appreciate your commitment and dedication to making this event a success. A special thank you goes to MD Alain Dumuk and the tireless volunteers for their relentless efforts. Your hard work and … Read more

IPSC SK Provincials Vendors/Sponsors

Hello everyone, we are less than 3 weeks away from our 2024 Provincials. In line with that, we have local vendors/sponsors that will be attending our match. If you need some products, parts, ammos, projectile, primers etc. please contact them ahead so that they can bring specifically what you need:

IPSC SK June match is in the books.

A huge Shout Out to Brent Lee for MD’ing his first match. He did a fantastic job, designed very good stages with lots of options. Congratulations Brent! Everyone had fun! Congratulations to the Division winners: We will see you all on our next match, the 2024 IPSC SK Provincial Championship on July 19th and 20th … Read more

IPSC SK Provincials: Just Around the Corner!

With less than 50 days before the IPSC SK provincials we want to reminder competitors that hotel slots are filling up fast and if you haven’t made arrangements, best now than later. Deadline for withdrawals is on June 18th. Interesting Stat: We have 132 registered competitors from across Western Canada: 45% from Alberta37% from Saskatchewan15% … Read more

IPSC Saskatchewan has reached a milestone!

We are very happy to share, that for the first time in our section’s history, we have officially attained triple digit members. This is all due to the hard work of a few dedicated individuals, who have strived hard to make our section grow. We are a much smaller section compared to our neighbouring provinces, … Read more

2024 Provincial Championship Sanctioned Level III

It brings me immense pleasure to announce that our highly anticipated 2024 Provincial Championship has now been officially sanctioned as a level 3 match. This is a significant achievement for our event and a testament to the dedication and hard work of everyone involved. Receiving this level of recognition is no small feat, and it … Read more