Saskatoon Wildlife Federation

The Saskatoon Wildlife Federation has both outdoor and indoor ranges located in Saskatchewan. The following rules apply to both range facilities.

  • All shooters must display their membership cards
  • Guests must possess a valid guest pass
  • Anyone caught using force to enter the ranges may result in criminal charge or loss of membership
  • Firearms and ammunition must be handled in a safe manner
  • One shooter must act as a range officer if there are two or more shooters
  • Eye and ear protection is mandatory
  • Actions must be open, magazine unloaded and rifles in the upright position while people are down range
  • All shots must be contained within the berm
  • Intentional ricochet or un-aimed shots will result in loss of membership
  • Consumption of alcohol before or while on the range is prohibited
  • Remove targets and clean up your area—burning garbage is prohibited
  • Be respectful and courteous to your fellow shooters

Outdoor Range

Indoor Range