2023 Canadian IPSC Nationals

IPSC Saskatchewan congratulates all shooters attending the 2023 Canadian IPSC National Championship at Selkirk, MB, which concluded successfully. Congratulations to the IPSC Manitoba section for hosting the event and a big Thank you to all the folks involved in the arrangements! A huge Shout out to our SK squads, who attended the event. It takes … Read more

IPSC SK 2023 Provincials is in the books

Our First Level 3 in decades successfully concluded last evening. From the feedback we got, everyone seemed to have enjoyed themselves. We really appreciate your support and will strive harder to put on a better event for you in the coming years. On behalf of IPSC Saskatchewan, I would like to Thank the very few … Read more

2023 Saskatchewan IPSC Provincial Championships

Dates for our 2023 IPSC Saskatchewan Provincials has now been confirmed to be July 1st-July 2nd.  This will be a LEVEL 3 event consisting of 14 stages + Chrono and 244 rnds, so it will be bigger than ever , however it will be capped at 120 shooters so register EARLY as this will sell … Read more